Notice is hereby given that the sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Trust will be held in the Tony Brown Suite at Rodney Parade on Thursday 31st August 2023 at 7.30pm for the purpose of conducting the following business.
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Chairman’s Report
3. Treasurer’s Report–Presentation of Accounts
4. Officers’ Reports – a review of the Trust’s activities
5. Election of committee
The following committee members retire by rotation, and all offer themselves for re-election.
• Andrew Hopkins (Chair)
• John Evans (Membership)
• Kathryn Evans (Without Portfolio)
• Rhys Jones (Media)
• Michael Frost (Without Portfolio)
6. Resolutions and/or Constitutional Amendments
The background to these resolutions will be explained during the meeting.
i. It is resolved that clause 87 is amended to [The Society Board is to lay a revenue account and balance sheet before each annual general meeting, accompanied by a report by the Society Board on the position of the affairs of the Society and any subsidiary or holding company or society signed by the chair of the Society Board meeting at which the report is adopted]
ii. It is resolved that clauses 88 – 94 are deleted.
iii. It is resolved that clause 95 and subsequent clauses are renumbered to take account of the removal of clauses 88-94
iv. It is resolved that in accordance with section 84 of the Co-operative and Community Benefits Act 2014, the requirement that the Company appoints auditors under section 83 of the Act shall be disapplied
8. Any Other Business
9. Question and Answer Session with Newport RFC Management and preview of
2023/24 season
We look forward to seeing you on at the meeting. Apologies or proxy voting requests may be submitted to
David Hobbs